Le in memes meaning

The meaning of “le”
What does Le mean in memes?
The word Le in memes is a French article meaning “the”. Le, pronounced luh in English. ‘Le’ is the definite article for “the” when the subject/object is masculine and singular. It is used just like the but before masculine, singular subject ,as you might be knowing every object in french is either masculine or feminine. Same way ‘la’ is used for feminine singular. Le is also used as pronoun for masculine, singular objects in COD ( compliment d’objet direct) .
Example in le :

*Le me holding a baby*
Outer me: awww it's so cute.
Inner me: Hawa m uchaal du isse
        another one,

 In memes, more specifically in rage comics, it is used to emphasize objects, “le me”, “le bed”, etc, all used in an effort to emphasize the implication of the object in the context of the rage comic, since rage comics are often very poorly drawn, and the reader needs to be explicitly told what each object in the drawing is.
It is very commonly used in Ragestaches which are comics in which the word "le" in french appears in every statement out of the actual comic to describe an action, a person or a feeling usually accompanied by an * (e.g. *Le killing in the shop, *le mom cooking, *le sad guy).

Le means 'the' in french and although you don't say the mom cooking, or the me in english, this Le is used anyway although it doesn't make sense.

However, the use in itself is a dead trend, having died with the decay of rage comics' popularity. Basically, some stupid netizens decided to use it in a 'meme' just so that it sound more expressive. That's it for this☺️.