Understanding React Arrow Functions with Tailwind CSS: A Developer's Guide

In modern web development, using React with Tailwind CSS has become increasingly popular for building visually appealing and responsive user interfaces. A common challenge developers face is implementing conditional class names in React components. This guide delves into a specific issue related to arrow functions in React when used with Tailwind CSS, providing a clear explanation and solution.

Understanding the Issue with Arrow Functions in React

When working with React, developers often use arrow functions for inline expressions. A frequent use case involves applying conditional class names based on certain conditions. Let's examine the issue through an example:

Problematic Snippet:

className={({ isActive }) => {
    isActive ? "text-blue-500" : "text-black"

In this snippet, the intention is to apply the class "text-blue-500" when isActive is true, and "text-black" otherwise. However, this code doesn't work as expected.

Note: In the case of React Router, isActive can be used as part of the library's API to determine if a particular route is active. For instance, when using navigation links (<NavLink> components in React Router), isActive can be used to apply different styles or classes based on whether the link's route matches the current URL.

Why It Fails:

The core of the issue lies in the JavaScript arrow function syntax. When using curly braces {} in an arrow function, JavaScript expects a return statement to explicitly return a value. Without the return, the function ends up not returning anything, resulting in no class being applied.

The Correct Approach

Working Snippet:

className={({ isActive }) => 
    isActive ? "text-blue-500" : "text-black"

This version of the code works correctly. The absence of curly braces indicates an implicit return, meaning the expression following the arrow is automatically returned.

Solution for the First Snippet:

To fix the initial code snippet, add a return statement:

className={({ isActive }) => { return isActive ? "text-blue-500" : "text-black"; }}

This adjustment ensures that the function behaves as intended, returning the appropriate class name based on the isActive condition.


Understanding the nuances of arrow function syntax in JavaScript is crucial for React developers, especially when integrating with styling frameworks like Tailwind CSS. This guide not only addresses a common mistake but also provides the solution, empowering developers to write more effective and bug-free code. Remember, the key lies in the details of the function's return mechanism—explicit versus implicit returns in arrow functions.